青年教师 李清
Li Q, Larivée P, Courteau J, Couillard S, Poder TG, Carrier N, Bélanger M, Vanasse A*. 2019. Greater eosinophil counts at first COPD hospitalization are associated with more readmissions and fewer deaths. International Journal of COPD:14 331–341
Cohen A*, Legault V, Li Q, Fried L, Ferrucci L. 2018. Men sustain higher dysregulation levels than women without becoming frail. Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 73(2): 175-184.
Li Q, Wang S, Milot E, Bergeron P, Ferrucci L, Fried L, Cohen A*. 2015. Homeostatic dysregulation proceeds in parallel in multiple physiological systems, Aging Cell, Vol. 14(6), pp. 1103–1112.
Barnwell J-L, Li Q, Cohen A*. 2015. Effects of categorization method, regression type, and variable distribution on the inflation of type-I error rate when categorizing a confounding variable. Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 34, pp. 936–949.
Cohen A*, Li Q, Milot E, Leroux M, Faucher S, Morissette-Thomas V, Legault V, Fried L, Ferrucci L. 2015. Statistical distance as a measure of physiological dysregulation is largely robust to variation in its biomarker composition. PLoS ONE, 10(4):e0122541.
Cohen A*, Milot E, Li Q, Bergeron P, Poirier R, Dusseault-Bélanger F, Fulop T, Leroux M, Legault V, Metter EJ, Fried LP, Ferrucci L. 2015. Detection of a novel, integrative aging process suggests complex physiological integration. PLoS ONE, 10(3):e0116489.
Li Q*. 2014. Identifiability of mean-reverting measurement error with instrumental variable, Statistica Neerlandica, Vol. 68, nr. 2, pp. 118–129.
Milot E, Morissette-Thomas V, Li Q, Fried LP, Ferrucci L, Cohen A*. 2014. Trajectories of physiological dysregulation predicts mortality and health outcomes in a consistent manner across three populations. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 141-142: 56-63.
Morrisette-Thomas V, Cohen A*, Fulop T, Riesco E, Legault V, Li Q, Milot E, Dusseault-Bélanger F, Ferrucci L. 2014. Inflammaging does not simply reflect increases in pro‐inflammatory markers. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 139: 49-57.
Cohen A*, Milot E, Li Q, Legault V, Fried LP, Ferrucci L. 2014. Cross-population validation of statistical distance as a measure of physiological dysregulation during aging. Experimental Gerontology. 57; 203-210.
政府补贴促进新能源企业创新的机理与动力机制研究 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目 2020.6-2023.5